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This study is a significant step in reducing some of the knowledge gaps in the global map of cocoa production. While considerable attention has been paid to cocoa in West Africa, the fact that it is grown in a variety of regions, including South-East Asia, South America and the Caribbean, is...

This study aims to reduce some of the knowledge gaps in the global map of cocoa production. While considerable attention has been paid to cocoa in West Africa, the fact that it is
grown in a variety of regions, including South-East Asia, South America and the Caribbean, is often overlooked...

Developing strategic coffe and cocoa research agendas, , Developing a strategic research agenda for cocoa and coffee, 05/2014, Wageningen, (0) WUR cocoa & coffee research agenda survey.pdf (336.74 KB)

An online survey and interviews among professionals involved
in the cocoa and coffee business are the first step towards a
global research agenda. The survey with farmer
organisations, cocoa and coffee processing companies, NGOs,
governments and researchers around the...

The path out of poverty in agrarian countries in Africa lies in their ability to provide equitable access to productive assets-land, credit, livestock, health and education to name a few. No less important is the duty of policymakers to examine gendered differences in the use, control and...

In the agri-food sector, global partnerships between lead firms and international NGOs design standards that aim to enhance environmental sustainability and to some extent realise social justice. However the effectiveness of such standards is limited when their content and governance provokes...

This paper examines the current interest in addressing the problem of young people’s unemployment in Africa through agriculture. Using notions of transitions and mobilities we set out a transformative work and opportunity space framework that privileges difference and diversity among work...

The objective of this value chain analysis is to identify the most promising opportunities for increasing the contribution that the sale of cocoa can make to rural livelihoods and the national economy. The analysis aims to map cocoa value chains, focused on elaborating practical pathways to...

A Comparative Study of Effects of Drying Methods on Quality of Cocoa Beans, Lasisi, D. , International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), 01/2014, Volume 3, Issue 1, Nigeria, p.996, (2014) A comparative study of effects of drying methods on quality of cocoa beans.pdf (467.82 KB)

The study was conducted in order to determine and compare the effects of drying methods on quality of fermented cocoa beans. Drying was carried out using two different methods namely oven drying and sun drying methods. Samples were dried at five different oven temperatures of 35, 40, 45, 50 and...

This study examines the effect of crude oil price on Cocoa production in Nigeria between 1961 and 2008. The output of cocoa was specified as a function of factors such as exchange rate, cocoa producer price, crude oil price and structural adjustment programme. Quantitative estimates, based on...

This study of the logistics chain for cocoa and nutmeg exports from Grenada is designed to build a link between the study and improvement of agriculture and that of logistics for agricultural exports, and complements the Grenada Small Farmer Vulnerability Reduction project. The overall objective...



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