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Certification: national and international standards


(photo: Tom Neuhaus,


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how should we see the idea of national standards? in my viewpoint, the idea of national standards should not be that new standards in place by producing countries to compete with certification standards already working on the ground. it should be a king of regulation requirement which should enhence the transparency in the sustainable programmes including certification. being in a supplychain, all actors are interconnected, then we need to set up a system through standards to monitor and evaluate the practices of each actor to make sure everybody works for the best interest of all the supplychain. in that line, the national standards should be designed not only for producers but also for the players whose action can have an impact on the all system. where believe that sustainability should go with strong commitment from everybody including the commitment of producing countries to have a clear strategy on the way forward. sustainability should not be just sporadic and individual activities those impacts are limited.


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