Over the past decade Fair Trade (FT) has been praised as the miracle-cure to poverty globally, by securing a better deal for marginalised farmers and creating community development, while respecting the environment. In that sense, FT can seem to be in the scope of social entrepreneurship (SE) by...
Smallholding in the cocoa sector has been seen as a hindrance to production and productivity growth due to the ageing of the cocoa farmers limited access to credit, low levels of education and low adoptability of innovations. In order to curb this, policy makers have resorted to implementing...
A range of different public and private sector organisations have intervened to improve the production of cocoa and smallholder livelihoods in Indonesia. They have employed a variety of methods and approaches. While some successes are evident, cocoa smallholders continue to struggle with the...
Global commodity chain (GCC) analysis has been concerned mainly with examining power relations in global manufacturing industries, although it has been preoccupied increasingly by the question of how developing country (DC) producers can upgrade. This paper extends GCC analysis to ``traditional...
Global commodity chain (GCC) analysis has been concerned mainly with examining power relations in global manufacturing industries, although it has been preoccupied increasingly by the question of how developing country (DC) producers can upgrade. This paper extends GCC analysis to ``traditional...
This article has utilized some of the key concepts of convention theory to further our understanding of governance in global value chains. It has shown that the historical trend from hierarchical to tendentially looser forms of coordination between lead firms and their suppliers (or buyers), and...
This article argues that fair trade labeling is more effective in combating child labor than previous approaches such as attempts at improving international compliance with human rights standards, levying of trade sanctions or boycotts, and increasing legislation and prosecution of crimes. The...
This paper combines the GCC and Convention Theory frameworks to compare the value-chains for agro-commodities before and after the decade 1980-90. Crudely, this period was a watershed between producer-driven and buyer-driven forms of organization. Subsequently, two types of buyer-driven chain...
Supply chains are increasing asked by consumers, policy makers, and other stakeholders to deliver so-called credence attributes. Organic or locally-grown are both examples of credence attributes. Sustainability is an interesting emerging case. A business decision-maker’s immediate inclination is...
Intersectoral partnerships mirror the changing nature of the relationships among state, business and civil society organizations, and are often considered innovative mechanisms to overcome single actor failure in the context of globalization. This article analyses the capacity of partnerships to...