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Learning questions

How can we reach out to more women in our training programs? (Learning question) , Rozemarijn Apotheker

How can we reach out to more women in our training programs?

Rozemarijn Apotheker's picture
534 users have voted.

In reality, we see that women contribute significantly to the cocoa production process. How can we make sure that women are included in our training programs?


Submitted by Fuad on 24/04/2014 - 20:25
The role of women in rural agricultural development and poverty reduction cannot be overlooked. Notwithstanding, women are socially excluded as a result of the sociocultural dynamics in rural settings, for example Ghana. I propose the mainstreaming of gender issues in the overall cocoa supply chain so as to sensitize chain actors on the need for inclusion. Effective women producer organizations should be encouraged in order to facilitate collective access to agronomic information, aggro-input credit as well as agricultural land. Additionally, rural traditional/community leaders as well as household heads need to be sensitized to appreciate the role of women in improving livelihoods at household levels.
Submitted by sandroaquino on 14/11/2013 - 12:02
I would like to participate in this working group
Submitted by Rozemarijn Apotheker on 15/02/2013 - 08:57
Go to the working group gender for more information

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