During the World Cocoa Conference 2014 an Interactive Session was held on Gender, Education and Child Protection. In the attached document you find Facts, Case studies, Good Practises and Tools on five different topics: Child Protection, Empowering women through Education, Improving Quality by...
We only have one planet, not three. How can we ensure sustainability?
Can Fine/ flavour' and 'single origin' cocoa be utilised as an instrument for promoting sustainable cocoa?
Over 25 retailers, chocolate producers and NGOs signed a letter of intent initiated by the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality (LNV) and IDH on sustainable cacao. The signing parties aim to support the revitalization of cocoa production in West-Africa to allow for the consumption of...
In the spring of 2013, Oxfam’s Behind the Brands initiative launched a campaign to urge food and beverage companies to do more to ensure equal rights and treatment of women in their supply chains. The campaign focused on Mars, Mondelez and Nestle, who together source nearly 30 percent of the...
This document presents the full evaluation framework used by the independent evaluator to assess the cocoa gender assessment and action plans published by Mars, Mondelēz International and Nestlé in Summer 20141 . This document was initially produced as an internal working paper, but can be...
Cocoa has been a major source of income for many Nigerians and a major source of foreign exchange earnings for the country. However its production has been experiencing a declining trend in recent times. Many factors have been implicated. One major factor is changes in climate variables. This...
Literature depicts agrotourism as a tool for environmental conservation and rural development. Nonetheless, there is a glaring lacuna in literature concerning agrotourism research from Western Africa. This paper seeks to ontribute towards filling this gap in literature. The paper investigates...
Since 2008 UTZ Certified has implemented a programme in Ivory Coast to enhance sustainability in
the cocoa supply chain through the implementation of the UTZ Code of Conduct. The programme has
supported farmers who are members of the cooperatives receive training on farm management...
A study was conducted to gather empirical evidence on the eff ectiveness of Farmer Field School (FFS) and the strengths of the approach in imparting knowledge and empowering farmers. Th e study was conducted on a cocoa farm where all activities were carried out during Field School sessions for...