Cocoa has immensely contributed to the economy of the West African country of Ghana over the years, especially in exports. For example, cocoa beans and products accounted for 28.1 percent of total exports (Bank of Ghana, 2012) and has consistently accounted for almost half of agricultural...
Cacao (Theoroma cacao L.) is the main cash crop of Ngobe-Bugle indigenous communities in Bocas del Toro, Panama. Their traditional polycultures incluce many other food crops for family consumption, but there is no actual description of their diversity, productivity or contribution to household...
This paper examines the comparative study of Owner managed and Lease managed system of cocoa production in Ekiti state, Nigeria. Through a multistage sampling technique, one hundred and twenty (120) respondents were interviewed and data collected with the aid of a well structured questionnaire....
Cocoa products’ trade is very important to the Malaysian economy and the global cocoa industry. Therefore, this study aims to identify the main factors that shape the export demand for selected Malaysian cocoa products and to make project the trends of the demand for them. It uses annual data...
Behind the scenes, a number of organizations were working on improving the situation for these producers but despite public attention, the barriers that lock cocoa producers in a poverty trap remained in place. This report, “Moving the
Bars”, reflects on how one program aimed to move the...
This bulletin is about the challenges and opportunities of ‘farmers as shareholders’, that is, including small-scale farmers’ groups and associations in the ownership of companies that add value and market their produce. Detailed cases are provided which examine the ‘state of the art’ in this...
This report is one of a World Bank Policy Research Working Paper series. The objective of this study is to provide an overview of the coffee and cocoa sectors in the Dominican Republic where an estimated 80,000-100,000 farmers produce coffee and cocoa, nearly 40% of all agricultural producers....
The following issues facing the global cocoa economy are discussed: (1) to what extent do stakeholders respond to sustainable production initiatives? (2) how can these interests be optimized to achieve maximum benefit for the cocoa economy? It is argued that sustainability involves achieving...
This book shows how sustainable procurement by Western companies in global value chains can be increased in such a way that all chain actors, including the poor, benefit. It presents three cases of businesses that procure supplies of ginger, mango, and citrus from Sierra Leone, Mali and South...