This study analyses factors that influence fertilizer use among cocoa farmers in the Sefwi Wiawso District in the Western Region, Ghana. Primary data were obtained from 200 cocoa farmers in the district. Descriptive statistics and ordinary least square regression analysis were used to analyse...
Cocoa products’ trade is very important to the Malaysian economy and the global cocoa industry. Therefore, this study aims to identify the main factors that shape the export demand for selected Malaysian cocoa products and to make project the trends of the demand for them. It uses annual data...
UNCTAD commissioned this study under the All ACP Agricultural Commodities Programme (AAACP), in order to identify ways of improving value chain finance in Cameroon’s coffee and cocoa sub-sectors, and to formulate proposals for a business finance model with special focus on smallholders. The...
Interlinked loans intended for the purchase of agrochemicals are an institutional innovation that evolved in Nigeria and southwest Cameroon following cocoa market liberalization. Since liberalization, an estimated $30 million market for fungicides and insecticides has developed. To increase...
Various works have demonstrated that small-scale agricultural producers from developing countries do not generally obtain the potential gains linked to marketing. What can be done to help them obtain better prices? In this article, we examine two different solutions: (1) increasing the...
This brochure gives a short overview of the 2012 status of a project working to improve market access and livelihoods for 4,000 smallholder cocoa farmers of Brazil’s Southern Bahia State.