During the World Cocoa Conference 2014 an Interactive Session was held on Gender, Education and Child Protection. In the attached document you find Facts, Case studies, Good Practises and Tools on five different topics: Child Protection, Empowering women through Education, Improving Quality by...
Over 25 retailers, chocolate producers and NGOs signed a letter of intent initiated by the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality (LNV) and IDH on sustainable cacao. The signing parties aim to support the revitalization of cocoa production in West-Africa to allow for the consumption of...
In the spring of 2013, Oxfam’s Behind the Brands initiative launched a campaign to urge food and beverage companies to do more to ensure equal rights and treatment of women in their supply chains. The campaign focused on Mars, Mondelez and Nestle, who together source nearly 30 percent of the...
This document presents the full evaluation framework used by the independent evaluator to assess the cocoa gender assessment and action plans published by Mars, Mondelēz International and Nestlé in Summer 20141 . This document was initially produced as an internal working paper, but can be...
Gender equality and equity could lead to higher productivity levels and improved rural livelihoods
The big challenge: How to involve women to improve quality of cocoa whilst (1) making sure they benefit from improved quality and (2) without overburdening them with extra tasks?
Education is key to the future of cocoa communities in West-Africa. However, school attendance rates are low and dropout rates high, especially among girls
Responding to Child Labour
To effectively respond to the child labour risk there must be a clear understanding of the problem across the supply chain, with appropriate capacities and systems developed to prevent, identify and respond to child protection risks.
Child Protection in Cocoa-Growing Communities:
Child-Centered Community Development is an essential counterpart to productivity investments for cocoa sustainability.
This poster presents facts & best practices.
This study investigated the compliance of marketers of agrochemicals with the approved and banned cocoa pesticides in selected cocoa producing states of southwest Nigeria. Primary data was collected through the use of structured questionnaire administered to randomly selected agrochemical...