Over 25 retailers, chocolate producers and NGOs signed a letter of intent initiated by the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality (LNV) and IDH on sustainable cacao. The signing parties aim to support the revitalization of cocoa production in West-Africa to allow for the consumption of...
UTZ CERTFIED IMPACT REPORT. January 2014. Combining results from 24 external impact studies and data from UTZ Certified. The studies summarized in this report examine the impact of UTZ certification in the field. They indicate that
implementing good agricultural practices on UTZ certified...
Approximately 140,000 cocoa farmers in West Africa are Fairtrade certified. Fairtrade is working with some of the smallest and most disadvantaged cocoa farmers in the region. Their average plot size is 2.6 hectares. On average, Fairtrade farmers in Ghana farm the smallest plots. Nine out of 10...
Sustainable commodities are high on the social and political agenda in The Netherlands. Most efforts focus on commodities where The Netherlands plays a significant role in the supply chain and where involved stakeholders are motivated to work towards substantive social, economic and ecological...
The COSA Measuring Sustainability Report illuminates the salient findings from nearly 18,000 surveys between 2009 to 2013 in Africa, Asia and Latin America for coffee and cocoa - two important commodities that are bellwethers for sustainability trends in other crops. The COSA Measuring...
Description of various projects related to the development of sustainable, often organic cocoa value chains in Ghana, undertaken by Agro Eco-Louis Bolk Institute. Discussed are for example organic group certification, farmer organisation, train-the-trainers and marketing of fine flavour cocoa....
Behind the scenes, a number of organizations were working on improving the situation for these producers but despite public attention, the barriers that lock cocoa producers in a poverty trap remained in place. This report, “Moving the
Bars”, reflects on how one program aimed to move the...
This one-pager gives the recommendations adopted during the international workshop on cocoa certification, 24-27 June, Douala, Cameroon,
Powerpoint presentation held at ICCO Conference Douala, 24-27 June 2013. Topic Rainforest Alliance Cocoa Certification.
This Dutch declaration of intent was signed by chocolate producers, cacao processors, supermarkets and civil organizations in the Netherlands. It was agreed that half of all cocoa used in the Netherlands will be produced sustainably by 2015. This is expected to rise to 100% in 2025.