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To share, meet and learn for sustainable cocoa

Academic publications

The State of Sustainability Initiatives Review 2014, Potts, Jason, and Lynch Matthew , 06/2014, p.135-155, (2014) , (Academic Publication)
Evaluation of river sand as a medium for raising cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) seedlings, Konlan, Sampson, and Opoku-Agyeman Michael Obour , American Journal of Agriculture and Forestry , 06/2014, Volume 2, Issue 4, Online, p.120, (2014) , (Academic Publication)
The Role of Cooperative Organizations in Rural Community Development in Nigeria: Prospects and Challenges, Hussain, Muhammad Shehu , Academic Research International , 05/2014, Volume 5, Issue 3, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, NIGERIA., (2014) , (Academic Publication)
Developing strategic coffe and cocoa research agendas, , Developing a strategic research agenda for cocoa and coffee, 05/2014, Wageningen, (0) , (Academic Publication)

Riding the wave of sustainable commodity sourcing - Review of the Sustainable Trade Initiative IDH 2008-2013

TitleRiding the wave of sustainable commodity sourcing - Review of the Sustainable Trade Initiative IDH 2008-2013
Publication TypeReport
AuthorsAffairs, Dutch ministry o


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Logo Royal Tropical Institute