Short biography:
Bärbel Weiligmann has addressed issues in agriculture from different stakeholder perspectives. Presently as special advisor for global commodity chains for the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition. Previously, as Senior Program Manager for Food Security at the Rabobank Foundation she is responsible for developing and strengthening links between agriculture and nutrition. Previously at the Tropical Commodity Coalition (comprised of 10 Dutch NGOs), she was engaged in stimulating the development of sustainable supply chains in cocoa, coffee and tea. Working for the Hamburg Chamber of Skilled Crafts and being responsible for a large European education project (with 13 partners in 7 countries), and a marketing project, she expanded her experience with the private sector. Her career commenced with a 10 year stint at GIZ, the German International Co-operation Service, engaged in diverse positions and long-term overseas assignments, including as an Economic Advisor on marketing policies for Citrus fruits. Her PhD was in the field agriculture with specialization on information exchange in networks