The Consultative Board on the World Cocoa Economy was inaugurated in December 2003 in order to encourage the active participation of experts from the private sector in the work of the Organization and to promote a continuous dialogue among experts from the public and private sectors. Since its first meeting in March 2004, the Board has implemented an ambitious work programme covering cocoa consumption, cocoa bean processing into intermediate cocoa products, cocoa bean marketing, post-harvest treatment of cocoa beans and training, and cocoa farm establishment and cultivation. Its role is that of an advisory body which advises the Council on issues of general and strategic interest to the cocoa sector, including long term structural developments in supply and demand; the ways and means of strengthening the position of cocoa farmers, with a view to improving their livelihoods; proposals to encourage the sustainable production, trade and use of cocoa; the development of a sustainable cocoa economy; the elaboration of modalities and frameworks for promotion and consumption; and any other cocoa-related matters within the scope of the Agreement. The Board is composed of eight experts from exporting countries and eight experts from importing countries, appointed by the Council every two years. The Board may designate one or more alternates and advisers to be approved by the Council. The Council may increase the number of members of the Board.