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Academic publications | economic policies

This paper analyzes the cocoa marketing and pricing policies in Ivory Coast. It looks into the cost of marketing, prices received by the farmers, and examines the producer price stabilization benefits. The authors also analyze the net benefits from a publicly run system of export sales based on...

This paper analyzes and compares Nash and Stackelberg optimum export taxes in multi-country Partial Equilibrium (PE) and General Equilibrium (GE) frameworks. Considering the fact that a theoretical GE approach is not possible in a multi-country context, a computable general equilibrium model of...

As information on the economic, environmental and social benefits of cocoa has grown, so has the understanding that only a coordinated effort by all stakeholders can ensure cocoa sustainability. This chapter describes how challenges to cocoa supplies brought seemingly disparate groups together...

This PhD study provides a detailed description and analysis of upgrading opportunities for small-scale cocoa farmers in Ghana. It shows how and why producers do, or do not, benefit from being inserted in a global value chain that is increasingly driven by multinational cocoa processors and...

This chapter is part of a published volume from the National Bureau of Economic Research of which the title is: Challenges to Globalization: Analyzing the Economics. The authors of this article discuss the economics of liberalization and highlight certain aspects of the world cocoa market,...

This case study of Sulawesi's cocoa market is a counterpoint to investigations of highly regulated markets - agricultural and otherwise. The Indonesian island's rapid expansion surprised the world cocoa market, especially because it came mostly from smallholders. The authors examine...

The key objective of this paper is to examine whether movements in real commodity export prices can explain fluctuations in the real exchange rates of individual commodity-dependent countries. IMF data on world prices of 44 commodities are used among one will find cocoa mentioned as well though...

Ever since the evolution of various economic reforms in Nigeria, that led to the abolition of commodity Boards and the introduction of free market pricing policy the sudden rush to cocoa trade due to higher pricing for cocoa led to increased number of people buying and marketing cocoa. As a...

The cocoa sector is of vital importance to Ghana, employing millions of people and contributing important revenues to the government. In order to raise prices received by producers and to increase overall performance of the cocoa sector, a number of reforms were undertaken, where the most...

This IMF working paper examines two hypotheses that may be used to assess an optimal export tax in a low-income country with enough market power to influence international prices of a certain commodity. The market structure for Côte d’Ivoire’s cocoa exports is used as an illustration. The first...
