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This Farmer Field School curriculum for organic and/or fair-trade cocoa farmers associations or co-operatives in Sierra Leone serves to train participants in producing export quality cocoa in sufficient quantities to fulfill export contracts. The focus is on cocoa rehabilitation and primary...

This document is the appendix to Improving Opportunities for Women in Smallholder-based SupplyChains: Business case and practical guidance for international food companies. It presents detailed case
studies of seven projects and initiatives in Africa that have adopted innovative measures...

Is large-scale fair trade possible, Le Velly, Ronan , Sustainable consumption, ecology and fair trade, 2007///, London, (2007)

This article addresses the question of what type of fair trade can be envisioned on which scale by contrasting the Artisans du Monde network and Max Havelaar France system? The question is not so much about the possibilities of outlets (small shops vs. supermarkets) as about the changes in the...

The main objective of this paper is to show that under certain conditions cocoa may switch from a status of deforestation agent in the twentieth century to a reforestation agent in the twenty-first. In the meantime, less dependency upon primary or secondary forest probably means more...

Interlinked loans intended for the purchase of agrochemicals are an institutional innovation that evolved in Nigeria and southwest Cameroon following cocoa market liberalization. Since liberalization, an estimated $30 million market for fungicides and insecticides has developed. To increase...

Conservation because it pays: shaded cocoa agroforests in West Africa, Gockowski, James, Weise Stephan, Sonwa Denis, Tchatat M., and Ngobo Martine , National Academy of Sciences in Washington DC on February, 2004, Volume 10, Issue 2004, (2004)

The shaded cocoa cropping system found throughout West Africa but particularly well represented in Cameroon and Nigeria is a sustainable agricultural land use system that provides relatively high values of environmental services. This paper describes and quantifies some of its non-cocoa economic...

The forest cover in Central Africa is less degraded than in West Africa, where cocoa cultivation has contributed to deforestation. In contrast, cocoa production in southern Cameroon (Central Africa) uses natural forest management (cultivation in natural shade) by smallholders. Cocoa farmers use...

Structural adjustment in less developed countries has often mandated removal of state-run marketing boards to enhance efficiency in the marketing chain and to raise farm income. Concerns have been mounting about the negative side effects of cocoa market liberalization, including replacement of...

Liberalization of the cocoa market in West Africa, due to structural adjustment reforms, has resulted in the elimination of parastatal marketing boards and initiated the creation of new institutions to replace the marketing services of those agencies. Concerns have been raised as to the effects...

Developing agricultural markets in Sub-Saharan Africa: organic cocoa in rural Uganda, Jones, Sam, and Gibbon Peter , Journal of Development Studies, 2011, Volume 47, Issue 10, p.1595 - 1618, (2011)

The results of a programme to develop a market for organic cocoa in rural Uganda are presented. It is shown that the scheme had a strong and persistent positive welfare effect. The primary mechanism is that of adoption of quality-enhancing methods. The scheme achieved this through an “Exogenous...



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